Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry CHRISTmas!

We're leaving for Kansas tonight and will return in the new year. If I don't have a chance to post anything while we're there, sorry! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Just a short update on all things Podjan...

Both Lilly & I are back on antibiotics for our sinus infections/coughs and my ear infection. When will this junk end?! It's almost been 2 entire months of yuck. Until the medicine kicks is, I still can't hear at all out of my right ear and my voice is weak and hoarse. The lack of hearing is driving me nuts! Pray for me. I lead worship the next 2 Sundays and on Christmas Eve...I'd really like to be able to sing and hear what I'm singing!

So far, this pregnancy is COMPLETELY different than with Lilly. I am not nearly as nauseus and sensitive to smells/movement/the mention of anything edible. It's nice not to have to bring "Buck" (my trusty puke bucket) with me everywhere I go! (Sorry, Shannon.) I can feel the baby's flutters a lot these days. Especially when I lay down for bed at night. I can't wait until I can see those kicks! Our ultrasound is on January 3...I can't wait to find out if we're having a Judah or a Molly! I'm thinking this one may be a boy, since I feel so drastically different than I did with Lilly, but only God knows for now. Either way, I'll just be happy to have another little one!

I got some really bad news last week. One of my closest friends from when I lived in Kentucky passed away unexpectedly. I found out the day of the funeral, so I was not able to make the trip down there. It's really hard to process this all without any other friends here who knew him like I did. He was an awesome person, and I will never forget him. I don't have many friends left from my days in Kentucky, but he was one of those life-long types, you know? I have the peace that comes with knowing that he is with his heavenly Daddy now. Praise God that we have that Hope.

On a lighter note, yesterday was our 4th anniversary. We celebrated by having a feast for the ages: Subway for Matt, Taco Bell for me. We know how to party, that's right. We also watched an episode of Gilmore Girls (thank you, Netflix) and practiced our worship songs for the next few weeks. You're all jealous that you didn't get to hang out with us last night, aren't you?! I knew it.

I guess that's all for now. No photos this time. There all on the other computer. Sorry, Grandmas. Until next time, have a great day!

P.S.-If you have a blog and have not updated it since, I dunno, NOVEMBER...Update it please! You are my entertainment during naptime! I depend on my fellow bloggers!