Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Welcome To Our Blog!

Hello all! Matt and I are pleased to let you in on what's going on with us. As you probably know, we are expecting our baby girl, Lilly Blessing, any time now! My pregnancy has been long and I'm ready to meet this little one as soon as possible! I hope to find out her new due date this Thursday at my doctor's appointment. I've been put on a Biophysical Profile (BPP) for the last few weeks, which means I have a short ultrasound and a Non-Stress Test (NST) each week to determine that Lilly is moving around enough and that her heart rate is good. The BPP & NST's are standard with gestational diabetes pregnancies that need insulin (lucky me). They also monitor my contractions. I am having them, but I am not aware of them so far. The only times I really notice them is when I'm on the monitor and I can watch the little printout that tells me that I'm having a contraction. The upside of all this weekly testing is that we get to see Lilly every week and we have a whole lot of pictures of her already! I think she's cute, even though most people can't even figure out what the pictures are! This week I have a full ultrasound scheduled to determine her weight and size. She may be a big baby because of the diabetes, and we don't want her to get so big that I can't deliver her naturally. Please keep us in your prayers while we anticipate her arrival. My official due date is April 13, but we've been told to plan on her coming at least a week earlier (either naturally or by induction). I am ready for her to be here now! I can't wait! Matt is so excited to be a daddy, and Lilly perks up every time he talks. I think she'll be a Daddy's girl!

Here are some ultrasound photos of Lilly's face.
She's 36 weeks along in these images.

1 comment:

Jess said...


She is SO CUTE! I can't believe how well you can see her face in these ultrasound photos!

You can already tell she's a beautiful baby. :)

Love, Jessie