Friday, April 07, 2006

Lilly's Almost Here!

Well, it looks like tomorrow's the big day! I will go in to the hospital tomorrow evening and they will prep me for induction, and Sunday morning they will induce my labor. If all goes well, by Sunday evening, we will have a new little girl! Thankfully, we are as ready as we're gonna be. The nursery's done, our bags are packed and the car seat's in the car. I have some last-minute things to take care of for Soul Pardon's trip to Toronto next week (I was hoping to see them off, but it looks like I may still be in the hospital when they leave), but other than that, I can't think of anything we have left to do.

At my doctor's appointment yesterday, the doctor said the baby looks great, but I am only 1 cm. dilated and about 50% effaced. Nothing to get excited about. So, unless I go into labor beore 5 p.m. tomorrow, we're going ahead with the induction. If you aren't aware, we are inducing due to my gestational diabetes and insulin regimen. They like to have the baby delivered at 39 weeks in these cases to avoid any major complications (high birth weight, large baby, and other concerns). We are happy that I will avoid a c-section (unless it is medically necessary).

I got to see Lilly again via ultrasound, and she still has a LOT of hair!

If you use your imagination, you can see the hair on top of her head. She even waved at us! (The other image is her hand.)
So, it looks like the next time you hear from me will be after Lilly is born! Hopefully we'll be home Tuesday or Wednesday and I'm sure I'll post some photos shortly thereafter! Talk to you then!
Here is Lilly's you can see it Brandy!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Kate and Matt,

We're so excited for you both! Happy almost-giving-birth day!!!

Jessie (and BJ) :)