Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Rolling Over, Independence Day & Swimming Fun

I am sorry it's been so long since I last updated you on what we've been up to lately. I guess I'll just start way back in June. On the 27th, Lilly rolled over all by herself! Of course, I only photographed the aftermath for you, but you get the idea. On July 1, I hosted Ann's lingerie shower at the is one of her very FAVORITE gifts! I especially like the bunny tail. The cufflinks are a nice touch, also!Earlier that day, we went up to Watervliet, Michigan to celebrate Independence Day with the Podjans. Matt enjoyed showing Lilly off to his family.On the 4th of July, (Happy Birthday, Grandma Lilly!) we joined the rest of Open Door in Niles for the fireworks display at the Apple Festival Fairgrounds. Lilly was a little patriot in her flag shirt!On July 9 (Lilly's 3 month birthday), Lilly went for her first swim at George & Norma's (next to G & G Chaput's house). Auntie Ann was there for moral support. Lilly didn't like the cold water, but she was happy enough when Grandma dried her off!

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