Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Yeah! An Update! (...finally)

Okay, so things have been super busy around the Podjan apartment lately. Today is the first day in weeks that I have been able to take a breather between projects. Between Michiana Prayer Network, Soul Pardon, apartment/house hunting, worship music, photography jobs and Lilly, I have been stretched pretty thin as of late. Don't get me wrong, these are all good things, but it sure is nice to do something that doesn't require a deadline for a change!

Kate Podjan Photography is up and running! I have already completed 2 projects and am getting ready to start on my 3rd this month! I am so excited to work more on the artistic side of things. I have my letterhead all made up! I'm such a geek! The money I make from photography will go towards my new camera. I figure it will take me 3 weddings until I can buy it, so if you know anyone getting married that needs a photographer, give them my name!

On the topic of weddings, Ann's florist was phenomenal. If you ever need flowers, go to Granger Florist on State Road 23.

In other news, Sam came home a couple weeks ago and is heading back to Afghanistan this Friday. It has been great having him here, and I am so glad he and Shannon have had this time together. We will miss him so much when he heads back.

Matt and I are actively looking for a bigger place to move into in 2 months. We have officially outgrown our current apartment, and I desperately need an office that does not share the same space with a bed (we moved my desk to our bedroom today--Lilly can't take naps with my office in her room anymore). We looked at an amazing apartment over the weekend, and are filling out applications as I type. We know God has a place in store for us, but I am still stressed out not knowing where we'll be in 60 days from now. We are putting our complete trust in Him. If you think of it, please pray for our living situation to be sorted out in His time and according to His plan. We need wisdom and guidance, people!

Since my last Lilly update, a lot has happened. She is cutting her first tooth, she had her 2nd round of shots, she's eating cereal, she can roll over and over and over..., she sucks her thumb quite often, she grabs her toys and she found her toes. What a genius! We're so proud of her!

Here are some photos from the past few weeks:

What a cutie!

Sleeping with DaddyMommy's Little Valentine

(We have to put the hat on Lilly after her baths to keep her hair from sticking straight up...that darn cowlick!) Playing with her toes AND sucking her hand! What a multitalented baby! Getting ready for (yet another) car ride!Uncle SamSHAMBY

Our Family Picture

Top Row: Sam, Shannon, Ann, Andrew

Middle Row: Matthew, Kate, Lilly (not having a good moment), Nic

Bottom Row: Sharon/Mom/Mammy/Grandma, Dennis/Dad/Pappy/GrandpaWhat a photogenic bunch.

(Note: Jen wasn't there. Way to go, Jen. Loser.)1st time in the high chairMmmm, good.Holla.Tuckered out after lunch.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Awwww, yea! I'm love the new photos! I can't wait to see you guys again!!! Love, Jessie