Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Something New

Okay, I know I haven't been able to update this in a long time, so here's the short recap post, and I'll put up a longer post later with pictures and stuff in a day or two.

Let's see, since my last post:
-We had Thanksgiving (a couple of them)
-Soul Pardon had a lock-in and hosted Open Door's Parent's Day Off
-Our Monday night class ended (last night--our next class on hearing God's voice begins in mid-January)
-Matt & I were commissioned as the Youth Co-Pastors at Open Door
-I had a fierce cold
-Now Matt has it
-Lilly got a stuffy nose
-Hilary, Charlie & Caspian visited
-It snowed
-Shannon & Ann had birthdays
-Nic got a girlfriend (and Jen was there!)
-Matt got a raise
-We saw Stranger Than Fiction (it was really good!)
-We played Apples to Apples, and Nic played too (a first)
-Lilly can click her tongue
-She's almost crawling
-I have been SWAMPED with work

So that's the short version. I promise I'll put up pictures very soon. Thanks for being patient. Later, dudes.

1 comment:

Kimberly Anne said...

Oh you're ALIVE!! I was worried!!