Thursday, May 08, 2008

Judah's Birthday

Here is the last preggo photo before Judah's arrival. I am MUCH more comfortable today!The proud daddy...The tired (but happy) mommy...Our family of four! Lilly LOVES her little brother. She has already nicknamed him "Judah-day" and likes holding him, and giving him lots of kisses and hugs.We owe Mom a TON of thanks. She's been with us almost around the clock since Judah's arrival. Bless her heart......and bless Dad's heart for letting us monopolize so much of her time!Beautiful Lilly...


shannon said...

Judah's got such a beautiful big sister!!!!! I love the new blog layout/ formatting!!!!!!!

Khara Brooks said...

Beautiful pics, Kate! I can't believe you're up and around enough to be posting blogs already! You should frame up that last one of your mom and the baby for her for Mother's Day. It is gorgeous.

As for a farm outing, absolutely! Let me know when you are feeling up to it.