Thursday, October 02, 2008

10 Things...

1) Her aunt Ann has taught her to say, "Check you later, squirrels eat meat," among other things.
2) 'O Taste & See' is her favorite song.
3) She can recite 'The Lord's Prayer' by memory and often prays for our ouchies. And then she exclaims, "They're getting all better!!!" immediately after her prayer.
4) She talks about getting married at least 5 times a day. The highlights of 2008 for Lilly would be going to Kim & Tim and Darcy & Fred's weddings.
5) She needs at least 20 minutes of alone time after her nap. If we try to get her any sooner, she is a VERY GRUMPY girl.
6) She sings the 'Happy Birthday' song after each nap. I know it's safe to get her out of her room once I've heard that song.
7) Daily she asks me to take her on 'errands'. I think she is convinced errands=McDonalds/Taco Bell. She might be right.
8) Lilly loves to "work on Soul Pardon". (She'll sit and pretend to type on the computer for hours!) While she does that, she'll chat about her Soul Pardon friends--Calli, Kirt, Kyle, Tiffany, Chasity, Jamie...
9) She stands in front of the fridge and tells me, "I think I NEED something, Mommy!"
10) Every time she holds Judah, she tells me to take a picture.
1) He loves to eat his toes.
2) If his toes aren't in his mouth, his thumb is.
3) He gets a kick out of fart noises...what a boy!
4) He is very grabby--he especially likes to grab Lilly's hair.
5) He will jabber for a long time to his big sis. I love watching them "talk" to each other!
6) "He is Judah and he can dance." (That one's for you, Ann.)
7) When Judah smiles, he scrunches his nose up and opens his mouth big and wide, but rarely laughs out loud.
8) We think his eyes might actually stay blue!
9) He loves playing "peekaboo".
10) He is a sweetheart.


shannon said...

that's wonderful!

Khara Brooks said...

Baby Bel does the same scrunchy nosed smile. I just love that. :) I also love the bit about Lilly singing Happy Birthday after each nap. What a character!

Rachel said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for Judah's baby blues! I hope they decide to stick around!