Sunday, December 28, 2008

Get Ready!

We're still in Kansas, and I don't have much time to blog right now, but I have TONS of pictures from our visit to post as soon as I get home later this week. We're probably gonna get home on Wednesday, go to Ann & Andrew's to ring in the new year, hang out with Beanie (Maxine) & Tim on New Years Day, and hopefully have time to recouperate before Matt goes back to work on Friday.

Lilly has been sick our entire visit with a fever and nasty cough, and today her fever broke. She's in a much better mood today. So of course, Jude just spiked a fever about an hour ago and he started couhing and snotting all over the place. Yippee.

Pray for us! Now back to the food, family and fun...


Rachel said...

oh, no! sickies! hope judah is better soon! have a safe trip back. we have to get together soon! haven't seen you in forever!!!!

Khara Brooks said...

What a bummer that the kiddos have been sick, but how nice that you've had so much time to spend with family! Look forward to seeing all the pics!