Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Say Cheese.

Lilly sits so good for me when I want to take pictures of her. I was lucky to get this shot where her face was really relaxed, so much so that she looks like more of a baby than the big girl she is growing up to be. I like the way her lips are so full, and her cheeks are so round. My little girl!Jude's been rocking the 'hawk lately, thanks to baby lotion and his mommy's insistance. Here, you can see the multiple bruises on his forehead, thanks to his ever-growing desire to be fully mobile (and the knocks he takes along the way!). Also observe the big tears in his eyes...he had just fallen and knocked his head on Lilly's chair. My response? Take a picture, of course. (Don't worry, I snuggled with him soon after this one was shot.)Matt loves this one of Lilly-bean.Everyone loves games where I make them end up sitting on each other in the end. Well, everyone but Nic. (We love our Soul Pardoners!)My handsome little man.And my beautiful little...ahem, I mean BIG girl. Her birthday's "comin' up in April. April 9th. I'll be 3." (Lilly's response whenever anyone asks her when her birthday is, verbatim.)Jude the dude.

1 comment:

Mo said...

Nic's face is PERFECT. haha. love it.