Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jen and I are bad worker-outers.

For a few weeks now, Jen and I have been getting together a couple times a week to work out and be fit. Unfortunately, the two of us have the willpower of a...well, something that doesn't have willpower. Half the time, we find some lame excuse to either not meet at all or quit early. So much for accountability! (Jen, I love you and I love our "workout times!") All of that to say, "Hey, at least we haven't quit altogether!"
Lilly watches me work out, and, the supportive daughter that she is, asks me after each workout, "Mommy, are you skinny yet?"
This Monday, I asked Jen to go for a walk instead of out usual Paula Abdul's CardioDance or Jillian Michael's something-or-other, and we decided to walk (almost) the length of the Riverwalk in Mishawaka. In gale-force wind. With strollers to push. I guess that's about 3 miles, round-trip, so I'm pretty proud of us for doing it at a pace faster than a turtle. We did it in less than an hour, even stopping halfway to take pictures of Lilly. Go us!
On our way back to the car, Lilly asked Jen, "Are your muscles big now?" Lilly is such an encourager!
Some photos of the day:
The crew...My beautiful kids...Can you believe he'll be one on Friday!?!See? Jen was there.Logan was thrilled with the walk, as you can see...Lilly's 3...My little model...


ODCFkids said...

ppsssshhhh...... your pictures were way better, you crazy!

and even if we're bad at consistency, at least we are still doing something :) haha...

also, what happened to my face that day!? it looks, um, awful. HA.

Khara Brooks said...

How fun! Lilly's hair is so long! I can't wait for Abbey's to grow out long again.

As soon as I'm done nursing, I'm on the weight-loss track again too! I wish you guys lots of luck!!!