Tuesday, June 02, 2009

It's a bittersweet week...

1st the bitter: Sam leaves for his 2nd overseas deployment (this time to Iraq) tomorrow. It's rough not being able to say goodbye in person, or to see him off when he leaves with his company. I wish I could be there, but I am SO THANKFUL that he'll have internet access on his personal computer this deployment rather than having to share with the whole base. It makes things a little more bearable knowing we can write to him, or see him on Skype more frequently.

And now for the sweet: Shannon & Gavin (and Cody) are moving back here for the year! It will be so great to have her so close...no more lengthy phone calls where we describe the mundane details of our life to one another...now we can experience them TOGETHER! I love Shan and am happy that she'll be back in the 'Bend (and in her own apartment this time, rather than one tiny bedroom at Mom & Dad's!).

I have been crazy busy this week, and hope to have some photoworthy experiences coming up, so no photos today, but I promise I'll update soon. Oh yeah, Ann & Andrew will find out if they're having a boy or a girl in about an hour, so that will be a fun update! Later, peeps!

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