Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Saturday With Lilly

We FINALLY had a free day to do whatever we wanted...just the 3 of us! We slept in until 10 (even Miss Lilly), and then we went out to lunch and drove to the Riverwalk in Mishawaka. It's really nice down there, but we didn't get to cross the bridges because they were blocked. We suppose it's because the river was pretty high. Then we went to the library where Matt got his very own card and I bought 3 really old books! For only $2.25. What a bargain! After we got home, Lilly took a nap, Matt & I watched (and napped during) Gilmore Girls, and then I went a got some groceries. I came home to see Matt & Lilly playing in the yard. Here's some Lilly videos we took tonight. (Excuse the's hard following a toddler and video taping her at the same time!)

There are more videos, but I can't get them to load...maybe later, I guess.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Its sounds like a nice day. I like seeing lilly,sees funny. you should try to post the other videos.