Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's Been Awhile...

...since I last updated, so get ready for TONS of photos. Most of them are from Father's Day weekend. Isn't Lilly beautiful?!Here's our little Judah-man...For Father's Day, Lilly invited her daddy to visit her at the Father's Day Par-tay at Growing Kids. Here she is taking him to her class...This is how she "hides" from us on a regular basis... GK knows how to party hard. Here they are eating their special ice cream sandwiches! Lilly was in heaven! They danced, played, and chased some wicked awesome bubbles. Lilly still talks about her "Daddy Party" and the bubbles!Let's not forget the fashionable hat Lilly made for Matt, too...Oh, yeah, Judah came with us, but he hung out with Annie most of the time...What was she doing to him to cause him to make that expression?!On Father's Day, after church, Lilly & Judah gave Papa his handcrafted present...Baby Wolverine got in on that action, too..Aren't they a cute family?!Matt & Judah getting some father-son time...Lilly & her punch ball...Mom has been working hard on her baby room for the grandkids. Here is the finished product!Nic & Lilly LOVE the new kitchen!Ann & her dogs...Another beautiful couple...Lilly LOVES her brother. She helps him stay happy with kisses, hugs, and by being the ever-important pacifier holder for him.I heart Matthew.

1 comment:

shannon said...

thank you. i like pictures.