Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Freshwind 2009 :: BOLD AS LIONS!!!

Every year, Matt and I have the privilege of taking the Soul Pardoners to the Freshwind conference in Toronto, Canada. This year's trip was awesome! We left EARLY last Thursday morning and came home Sunday morning in time to celebrate Easter with our Open Door family. Matt and I also got to baptize 2 of our "kids" at church. Pretty cool! God did a TON in each of our hearts this weekend, and I'm still processing it all! I am anxiously awaiting the conference MP3's so that I can really absorb everything that was taught. I posted a few highlights on the Soul Pardon blog, and if you're interested, you can read them here. Here are some of my favorite images from the weekend:

That's right, here's a photo of ME! I am hardly ever in a shot, so I decided to make sure of being in at least 3 photos during this trip. Good for me. It's never fun driving into the sunrise, but Matt was a champ. You can see Kyle waving in the reflection of Kirt's sunglasses. Good times.

If you look closely, you can see the reflection of some Soul Pardoners huddled to the left of the staircase in the skylight. One of our few posed shots...Kyle always does any weird thing I tell him to, as long as it makes a silly picture. Here's an example. Other ones are posted in the facebook photo album.

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