Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Lilly's new obsession

I got Lilly some "Resurrection Eggs" last weekend to help teach her the real meaning of Easter, and why we celebrate it. She was getting a little to focused on the Easter bunny that comes every year to her school, and I didn't want her to get through this season without knowing what Jesus did for her. Resurrection Eggs are a way to teach the Easter story with small trinkets to represent each section of the story beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with the Resurrection. At first, I was worried that the 12 segments of the story wouldn't hold her attention, so I broke it up into 3-4 sections at a time. I guess it's paid off, because this morning Lilly has done nothing but beg me to do the Easter story for her. Over and over. She's doing pretty good at remembering what is in each egg too. I'm so proud of my little girl! I just thought I'd mention this since incase some of you (esp. Khara :0))were interested in ways to teach your kids Biblical truths in everyday ways, and this is a good example. There are a few different ways to do the resurrection eggs, and if you want to make your own homemade set, just google resurrection eggs and you will find a ton of sites to guide you. (And a couple that will say that this is pagan commercialization at it's finest...but I say, if it helps your nearly 3 year old to retain the details of the most vital aspect of their spiritual life, then that can't be wrong.) If you want to buy a set for $10, I got mine @ Meijer in the book dept. Happy Easter!


Mo said...

good idea alpha mom! colt wouldn't understand but Andy has been a bit hooked on the easter bunny lately.

Khara Brooks said...

Pagan commercialization? That gave me a giggle. I'll have to check out the homemade sites. We have 8 tons of plastic eggs and we always have egg cartons lying around. And...I'm always up for a new project. :)

Larimer said...

You're so smart Kate. What a great idea.