Saturday, May 09, 2009

So, okay, I know I have been a bad post-er lately...

...and I promise to post some really good, funny, picture-laden posts in the coming week. As for right now, I am on the laptop (with no access to pictures/photoshop) and don't have anything particularly witty to say. I will tell you that I have some future blog subjects to whet your appetite.

I will be blogging (very soon) about:
-my impromptu visit to Kentucky with the kids. We went there and were back in under 18 hours.
-Judah & Lilly's doctor visit (so you can compare your kids to mine. face it, you know that's what you'll do!)
-Logan "drinking" out of a cup. Like a cat.
-Judah's "dinner dance"
-And by the time I post, I'm sure I'll have some amusing story about Lilly's latest shenanigans.

Now you know you can't wait to read all about this stuff! (all i have to do it write it...)

1 comment:

ODCFkids said...

when i told nic about logan's big-boy cup experience, he was disgusted that i compared our son to a cat and insisted that his drinking was more like that of a dog....

that's right.
