Monday, January 05, 2009

"I'm sittin' in the railway station.."

Tonight, Lilly, Judah, Matt & I met Dad at the Niles train station to greet Mom as she got off the train from Kansas. It was a BIG deal for Lilly, as she normally is asleep when Mom's trains get in, and doesn't get to see one up close. When the train pulled in to the station, she raa toward the platform yelling, "Chugga-chugga choo-choo!" over and over! She was so happy to see Mom, and I am pretty sure Mom got choked up at the sight of Lilly's excitement.Yesterday morning, when we were getting ready for church, I decided to take a picture of Lilly in her new dress for my Project 365 album. (If you don't already have one, you should start one today!)After I took the picture, I got a closer look at her arm, and saw that she gave herself some new "tattoos." Just like Daddy, I guess.


Khara Brooks said...

How precious! I bet she'll remember that forever.

Andy said...

i wanna do the 365 album. what a good idea. but face book only holds like 60 photos at a time...HUM...what to do? Love the train picture by the way. awesome.